Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Some Of The Friends I Do Life With

Here are some of the guys that I do life with. I am fortunate to be called their friend and I admire each and everyone of them very much. They are in no particular order, and just random as they pop into my head.

Wayne Austin:
I have worked with Bro. Wayne on and off, and at different ministries for over 20 years. He is one of the godliest men I have ever known and he makes you feel like he is your number one fan in life and he truly has a "Barnabas Spirit" which means "son of encouragement".

Dino Rizzo:
I have also worked with/for Pastor Dino Rizzo, on and off for over 20 years. He never ceases to amaze me with how thoughtful, generous, and kind he is to me and my family. It is like I am always on his mind. He is one the greatest communicators I have ever known and he is wise beyond his years. He is a great visionary and his love for Christ is second to none. Dino believed in me and saw my potential way before I ever did. He is a great man of God.

Robert Buquoi:
Robert and I have been friends, and Hunting/Fishing buddies for many years now. For some reason, he puts up with my last minute cancellations of hunting/fishing trips when I have get called to minister at a funeral or emergency. Robert has forgotten more about marksmanship/hunting in thirty minutes than I will ever learn in a lifetime and he always encourages me when I blow a simple shot when skeet shooting or bird hunting. He is the best shot I have ever seen and taught me everything I know about shooting shotguns and handguns. He is a firearms instructor with a local sheriff's department. More than all of these above things, Robert has always got my back no matter what. He is always there for me anytime, day or night and expects nothing in return. He has taught me many things about faith and perseverance. I am proud to be his friend.

Mark Berger:

Mark is one of the most joyful guys I know. He just loves life, he loves God, and He REALLY loves bass fishing. Mark has taught me so much about bass fishing and about living life in the moment at the same time. Mark is genuinely interested in your life and he makes it more than words. Mark has taught me many things about perseverance and faith and when we are sharing a bass boat together, he let's me be a friend and fellow fisherman first, and minister next. Mark is a great friend.

Sheriff Jeffrey Wiley:

Jeff Wiley is the Sheriff of Ascension Parish and he is a great leader and communicator. He has given me the honor of serving him at his pleasure and all of the Deputies. Sheriff Wiley is what I call a "Man Magnet" because he draws people to him with his leadership capabilities. He has been so kind and gracious to me and I am honored to be called upon to serve as his Deputy Chaplain. I hope one day to be as effective in leadership as he is.

Chief/Constable James Leblanc:

James Leblanc is the Ascension Parish Constable and Fire Chief for St. Amant Fire. James is a great leader and a great friend. I admire his dedication to the community and his self sacrifice is second to none. His wife Hope, is a great lady as well because she puts up with him being gone from the house serving his community. I am so honored to serve with James as his Chaplain.


At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow... Mr. Ken has a blog! I'm so excited to have found it!

At 5:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the sweetest post EVER!!!! Maybe you are just the sweetest man EVER!!!


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