Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Freedom or Security in this Post 9-11 World

I saw this poster on the internet and I began thinking about living in the post 9-11 world. Our founding fathers would spin in their grave if they knew what was going on today. Every day, people of the United States are so quick to relinquish individual freedom and liberty in the name of security. Freedom that was fought for, bled for, and many thousands of men and women died for.

Don't get me wrong, I am a "security" man. I believe in being prudent. However, when my wife, who is a blond haired, blue eyed, middle class business woman has to be violated at the airport before boarding the plane by being felt and patted down, or a little old lady has the same thing done to her, I have to say it does not make me feel safer. This is why I believe in doing away with "political correctness" and profile! You know, it is a proven fact that Terrorist do fit a certain profile, and it is not a blond haired, blue eyed middle class American, or a frail, little old lady.

Also, it is no secret that I am a proud defender of the 2nd amendment. Law abiding citizens should be allowed to carry and defend themselves with a firearm. That is exactly what our forefathers meant when they wrote it. Firearm free zones like schools and other places do not make me feel safe. If anything, they make me feel vulnerable and unable to defend myself. Demonically controlled, and crazed criminals that see these signs know that it is a safe harbor for them to shoot people at will like fish in a barrel. They know that un-armed, law abiding citizens will not be able to defend themselves, and another proven fact is that these criminals do not obey gun laws. That is why they are called criminals. Thank God for Law Enforcement Officers (I am one of them), but by the time they get there, scores of people will be dead. This has happened over and over again like at Columbine and Virginia Tech. One moderately trained and armed person could have saved so many lives. Still, we just keep posting those signs and passing new gun laws and taking away the ability for law abiding citizens to defend themselves. Don't you feel safer knowing that sign is there? This is the sign they should post instead. I saw this on a web-site the other day. "Gun Free Zone......In case of emergency, call 911, crawl to the nearest exit, and if help is delayed, kiss your defenseless behind good by".

A couple of days after 9/11, I was chosen to go to New York and minister to Law Enforcement and Firefighters. I was amazed at their resolve. I serve not only as an Associate Pastor at a local church, but as a Sheriffs Deputy Chaplain and Fire Chaplain. I have received specialized training and credentials to deal with crises situations. I have attended hostage negotiation training.

I love the first responder and have utmost respect for those that put their lives on the line for me and my family daily, and I love my country. Even though their are things that I strongly disagree with,this is the greatest country in the world and God has blessed us. One of the reasons the United States is great is that we have the right to openly share our differences without fear. I hope that you will join me in praying for our President, his Administration, our congressional leaders, our State and local government, and our Soldiers who are really sacrificially putting their lives on the line so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have. All of them are heroes.


At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not own a gun, but I am so thankful for the men and women that put their lives on the line every day to keep our society safe from criminals. I agree that gun-free zones are an obvious save haven for criminals wanting to takes lives without the fear of being challenged. I believe that most criminals are simply cowards and live their lives trying to take the easy way out. Anyway, nice to hear from you, and I am sure Gabby plays a mean guitar.

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great entry. You are so right. We too often take our freedom and liberty for granted.


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