Monday, October 01, 2007

She aint nothing but a Hound Dog!

This is a photo of my Yellow Lab Gabby. She is a magnificent dog with personality plus! We have three Labs. Gabby (Yellow), Lily (Chocolate), and Maggie (Black). You can learn allot from a dog. Obedience, loyalty, heart. Gabby amazes me with her eagerness to please. She is a great retriever and very smart. She is also very patient with me! By the way, did I mention that she is a very accomplished guitarists? That is her on the left, with one of her many guitars. You will find us most Thursday evenings at the church pond doing retriever training or when I get a Monday off, she is usually my fishing partner and is sitting at my feet on the front of the boat expecting me to catch a bass every cast. I let her down allot! The first few times I took her fishing, she thought she was supposed to retrieve my lure when I made a cast, so when it hit the water, she would jump out of the boat and into the water. God did a wonderful thing when He created dogs. Oh by the way, I read a quote a while back that made me think. It goes "Just when you think you are a man great influence, just try giving commands to another man's dog". My favorite dog quote comes from a bumper sticker I got from Doug's Duck Lodge in Klondike, LA. It says, "Lord help me to be the kind of person my Dog thinks I am! Amen!


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